My experience at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem began in the fall of 2002 when I started a joint LL.B./M.B.A. program at HU. At the time, the HU Law School was the only university offering such a unique program. The chance to earn a degree at two of the leading and most renowned faculties in Israel was too good of an opportunity to pass on.
From the first week of classes, it was clear to me that I had made the right choice. Law was a ‘love at first sight’ for me and the ability to connect it to the business world through the business school provided unique synergies. The engaged, smart and inquisitive student body, many of whom I have created strong friendships with, the outstanding faculty and class offerings and the devoted staff all made Hebrew University a warm, inviting place and the second home of sorts for me.
Even though I grew up and lived my entire life in Jerusalem prior to starting at Hebrew University, the campus life, the exposure to young people from across Israel and the world, and engaging with law made me view and experience Jerusalem in a whole new light.
Hebrew University provided me with many opportunities to enrich my time as a student. Starting in my second year at the law school, I was elected to the Hebrew University law review editorial board and I served as its editor-in-chief during my third and forth years. Through that role, I got to work closely with professors at the law school and at other schools and got exposure to cutting-edge scholarship. I also served as a research assistant and teaching assistant at both the law school and the department of international affairs, further deepening my interest in law.
The Hebrew University is also responsible, to a great extent, for my pursuit of advanced degrees in the U.S. While clerking at the Israeli Supreme Court, the dean of the law school strongly encouraged me to apply to U.S. law schools. I was still debating my next steps at the time and Hebrew University generously supported me with several scholarships.
We currently live in Wisconsin, where I am an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Even though I have moved to the U.S., I have been maintaining a personal relationship with the faculty and my classmates at the Hebrew University. For me, the Hebrew University is a lifelong relationship and I look forward to continuing this connection in the future.
Dr. Nili graduated from the S.J.D program at Harvard Law School in 2015 and was awarded the Harvard Law School Victor Brudney Prize for best student paper on a topic related to corporate governance for a chapter of his dissertation. Dr. Nili also holds an LL.B.(summa cum laude) and an M.B.A. (magna cum laude) from the Hebrew University Law School, where he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Hebrew University Law Review.