August 15, 2024 — The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has climbed five places in the prestigious 2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities and now ranks 81st among the top 100 universities worldwide.

The Shanghai Ranking, published annually by the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, is considered one of the most trustworthy academic rankings globally. The rankings evaluate the quality of research at academic institutions based on various indicators, including the number of faculty members and alumni who have won Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, as well as the quantity and quality of publications in leading journals. The ranking includes approximately 2,500 universities. Among the top 100 institutions, 38 are in the United States, and three are in Israel, including the Technion and the Weizmann Institute.

“The Hebrew University’s rise to 81st place in the world’s most prestigious academic ranking is a testament to the groundbreaking research and commitment to excellence that we uphold as a way of life,” said Prof. Asher Cohen, President of the Hebrew University. “We take pride in and extend our gratitude to the University’s researchers, academic staff, and administrative team, who continue to promote excellent research daily. We will continue to be the most important civilian institution for the city of Jerusalem, the State of Israel, and a source of international pride. In addition, the presence of three Israeli universities in the list of the top 100 universities globally is an exceptional achievement in such a challenging and complex year.”

“For nearly 100 years, the Hebrew University has remained committed to excellence in research and teaching,” says Hebrew University Rector Prof. Tamir Sheafer. “Thanks to our outstanding researchers, we are at the forefront of the global scientific stage, making a decisive impact on humanity’s progress towards a better future. We recently concluded the academic year amidst the longest war since the establishment of the State of Israel. Through the united efforts and unwavering dedication of our academic staff, we provided academic, financial, and social support to all the Hebrew University students serving in the reserves, ensuring that each and every one of them could complete the year without being left behind.”

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