September 18, 2024 — Prof. Haitham Amal, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is one of the world-class researchers who has received part of a sizeable $17M consortium grant for pioneering Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) research from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).

Professor Amal’s laboratory is the only research facility outside the United States selected to participate in this vital project dedicated to unraveling the molecular mechanisms driving ASD. The grant will focus on researching the possible link between air pollution and other environmental factors that may lead to ASD as well as fund Prof. Amal’s ongoing work in the discovery of ASD biomarkers and potential treatments.

A world-renowned expert in nitric oxide and brain disorders, Professor Amal’s interdisciplinary approach has resulted in groundbreaking ASD discoveries. His team was the first to identify a direct link between nitric oxide levels in the brain and ASD, a finding with profound implications for ASD treatment.

ASD currently affects one in 30 births in the U.S. and one in 50 in Israel. This research offers greater opportunities to develop more effective diagnostic tools and innovative treatment options.