Marking 100 Years

This year marks a momentous milestone as we commemorate 100 years of Israel’s premier institute of higher learning and research, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU). HU was born from an idea proposed in 1913 by Chaim Weizmann. His enthusiasm for the project was shared by other visionaries, including Albert Einstein, Martin Buber, and Sigmund Freud. Three years after the symbolic foundation stones were laid on Mount Scopus in 1918, Weizmann and Einstein set out across the U.S. to promote and raise funds for the University. Below is a snapshot in time of major events from the University’s inauguration to the present day. 

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is founded
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is founded

On April 1, 1918, towards the end of World War I, Hebrew University held the historic laying of the cornerstone ceremony. This ceremony was funded entirely by financial support from Jews around the world. Image: Protocol of the Laying of the Cornerstone for the Hebrew University (1918).

The Inauguration of the Hebrew University

The Hebrew University formally opens with a historic ceremony attended by thousands on its Mount Scopus campus. Speeches were given by Lord Balfour, Chaim Weizmann, Rabbi Kook, Sir Herbert Samuel, and Hayim Nahman Bialik. 

First Hebrew University Degrees Awarded
First Hebrew University Degrees Awarded

Hebrew University awarded its first degrees, Master of Arts degrees, to 13 graduates.

Opening of the School of Agriculture on HU’s Rehovot campus
Opening of the School of Agriculture on HU’s Rehovot campus

With the lighting of the 1st candle of Hanukkah in December of 1942, the Institute for Agricultural Studies was inaugurated in a moving ceremony at the Aaron Aaronson Building, with the participation of the President of HU at the time, Dr. Y.L. Magnes.

More Faculties are Added to the University
More Faculties are Added to the University

The new Faculty of Medicine officially opens, and the Faculty of Law, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Adult Education Center are established.

First Medical Degrees Awarded
First Medical Degrees Awarded

The first M.D. degrees are awarded to students who had begun their training abroad.

Establishment of Yissum Research Development Company
Establishment of Yissum Research Development Company

Yissum Research Development Company established to patent Hebrew University research and technology and to promote university partnerships with industry. Yissum was the third university-based technology transfer company to be established in the world, following UC Berkeley Prof. Frederick Gardner Cottrell’s Research Corporation (1912) and MIT’s Technology Licensing Office (1940s).

Institute for the Advancement of Peace Established
Institute for the Advancement of Peace Established

HU establishes the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Middle East’s first conflict resolution research center.

Faculty of Medicine Expansion
Faculty of Medicine Expansion

The Faculty of Medicine expands with the addition of the Henrietta Szold-Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing and the Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Occupational Therapy.

Opening of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
Opening of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine

Opening of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, the first and only institution that teaches veterinary medicine in Israel.

The D. Walter Cohen Center for Dental Education Established
The D. Walter Cohen Center for Dental Education Established

The D. Walter Cohen Center for Dental Education in the Middle East is created to bring together dentists from the region to engage in joint research projects and learn their colleagues’ respective techniques.

Hebrew University Graduates Awarded Nobel Prizes
Hebrew University Graduates Awarded Nobel Prizes

Three HU graduates, David Gross, Avram Hershko, and Aaron Ciechanover, became Nobel laureates in Physics and Chemistry.

Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) Established
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) Established

Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences established, with a goal to revolutionize neuroscience research. In 2018, the Center moved into the state-of-the-art Suzanne and Charles Goodman Brain Sciences Building.

Dedication of the Einstein House
Dedication of the Einstein House

The dedication of the Einstein House in the Marie and Jose Mugrabi Building, a new museum and research center to be built adjacent to the Edmond J. Safra Givat Ram campus.

The Hebrew University Community Marks 100 Years
The Hebrew University Community Marks 100 Years

Despite significant hardship following October 7, 2023, HU remains unwavering in its pursuit of excellence, maintaining its position as the No.1 university in Israel. Commemorating 100 years of creativity and innovation, HU continues to shine a path toward a bright and prosperous future for Israel and her people.


We hope you will join us throughout this special year to honor this remarkable legacy. To see a calendar of events, please click here. To see more centennial-related content, please click here. To follow us throughout the year on social media as we share HU fun facts, click on our handles in the footer below.