
The Rimon Philanthropic Investment Initiative is a new, philanthropy-based venture creation engine from American Friends of the Hebrew University (AFHU) in partnership with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU); Yissum, the university’s technology transfer company; and  ASPER HUJI-Innovate, the university’s center for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Rimon Initiative offers donors the opportunity to make charitable investments in start-up companies formed around research stemming from the laboratories and classrooms at HU. With the initiative set to launch at a $500,000 minimum pool, your tax-free donation of $25,000 or more will advance the Hebrew University entrepreneurship and innovation that serves as the stimulus for many of Israel’s high-tech firms.

As a Rimon Philanthropic Investor, your gift will be translated into concrete venture creation activities, providing the seed money needed to support promising HU innovators. You will become part of an exclusive circle receiving news on deal-flow and investment results, along with updates on the progress made by portfolio companies. Rimon Philanthropic Investors are a network of innovators with a front-row seat to the formation of emerging startups and the potential for future investment opportunities as they become available to the public.

Be sure to view Yissum CEO Dr. Itzik Goldwaser’s presentation on the Rimon Philanthropic Investment Initiative hereTo learn how to participate, please contact Laura Abrams, Leadership Development Director, at 561.948.3344 or