inspired by genius.
fueled by science

help us carry forward einstein's legacy of scientific curiosity and innovation

At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU), students, faculty, and researchers channel the genius of Albert Einstein to tackle the most complex scientific challenges. Why? Because Albert Einstein was not only the most influential physicist of the 20th century, but one of the founders of HU. More than 100 years later, your support enables Hebrew University to drive forward Einstein’s legacy of scientific innovation and curiosity, turning hypotheses into discoveries.

The Hebrew University is known for tackling the world’s hardest problems. With E = mc2 and the General Theory of Relativity, Einstein transformed how the world approaches problem-solving. By co-founding HU in 1918, he paved the way for HU scientists to research some of the toughest challenges humanity faces today: Global pandemics, cybersecurity, food and water shortages, and mobility.

Today, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is one of the top-ranked universities in the world. HU students, alumni, and faculty have won eight Nobel Prizes and pioneered breakthroughs across many disciplines. Some of Hebrew University’s award-winning work includes new medicine to treat Alzheimer’s; pioneering cancer research; advancing drip irrigation and eco-friendly agriculture; achievements in brain science; leading developments in revolutionary nanotechnology, and life-saving navigation systems for motor vehicles.

Einstein said: “A university is a place where the universality of the human spirit manifests itself. Our university [the Hebrew University of Jerusalem] will develop speedily into a great spiritual center which will evoke the respect of cultured mankind worldwide.” Einstein’s legacy of genius endures in the work of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The university that Einstein helped found has grown into a research powerhouse and a global leader in science, medicine, agriculture, and the humanities. We celebrate the genius of Albert Einstein, whose concern for humanity, Israel, and the world lives on in the work of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s scientists and scholars.

Help us carry forward Einstein’s legacy of scientific curiosity and innovation. Let’s turn hypotheses into discoveries.

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